What is Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) | What are the Benefits in Soap

What is Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)?

Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye, is a caustic alkaline substance that is used in the soap-making process. While it may sound harsh, sodium hydroxide plays a crucial role in creating natural soaps that are gentle and effective for the skin.

What are the benefits of Sodium Hydroxide?

  1. Creates a natural, chemical-free soap: Sodium hydroxide is used to saponify the oils and fats in natural soaps, creating a chemical reaction that results in the formation of soap molecules. This process creates a natural soap that is free from harsh chemicals and synthetic additives.

  2. Cleanses the skin effectively: The alkaline properties of sodium hydroxide help to break down and remove dirt, oil, and impurities from the skin, leaving it feeling clean and refreshed.

  3. Allows for a customized soap recipe: By carefully calculating the amount of sodium hydroxide needed in the soap-making process, soap makers can create a customized soap recipe that is perfectly suited to different skin types and needs.

  4. Produces a long-lasting soap: Sodium hydroxide is a key ingredient in creating a long-lasting, hard bar of soap that won't dissolve too quickly in the shower or bath.

It's important to note, once the soap-making process is complete, the sodium hydroxide is completely neutralized, and the resulting soap is gentle and safe for use on the skin.